August 31, 2010


Not too long ago me and a friend of mine got into a debate about the term Indian. When we were introduced, eventually she asked me my ethnicity, a common inquiry directed my way truth be told. When I said I was Indian, she did a double take. Why? Because she was Indian, but we were clearly not talking about the same kind of Indian. See, her family is from India. My family is French Indian, a type of Native American. So she started going on and on about how I wasn't Indian and I said that it was just a tern that's been used for a few hundred years now and she can just get over it. I will continue to call myself Indian unless someone needs clarification.

It's not my fault a studpid-ass white man sailed the ocean blue and thought he was in India and not the Americas, now is it? No sireeee!

scullerymaid at 11:15 p.m.

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