April 26, 2010


If one more person asks me when Popeguy is coming back...I'm going to scream! Do I look like his keeper? No. And he's made it clear he likes it that way, too. As if I would know his every movie. I'm not even the one picking him up. So feel free to stop asking me if I've talked to him because I have not, thank you very much.

Okay, so I know I'm a little bitter right now. Forgive me my agitation. But I haven't been openly angry this whole time and now is the moment to get it out while I'm feeling all independent and empowered. Hmph!

Anyway, today I have my Roman Art exam. An hour away and I've yet to study. I'm not too worried. All my grades in that class are A's. I'll be fine. I do resent taking it today though. This was my free day and then my professor moved it from Friday to Monday. Oh well. At least it will be over with.

/in exciting news, this weekend I spent a lot of time falling and getting muddy. I went home and mom and I decided to drive over to dad's to find Loca's kittens. Turns out she decided to have them in an old tree trunk in the middle of a muddy, nasty and gross bog thingy. The only way to get to it is by crawling across this fallen log that is gaurded by brambles and thorns. Easy-peasy if you're a petite cat. Not so much for us human folk. But there mom and I were, crawling across the log until we could stand, being pricked and prodded as we tried to keep our balance. In the end, our knees were dirty and our skin itchy, but it was worth it. Loca had four kittens, three tabby and one black. Absolutely adorable! Then we went to Bryan and JK's to check out thir box garden. As I was walking over to the neighbor's house, I was trying to avoid this puddle only to slip on the very outskirts of it and fall on my ass, muddying up my skirt. I think I'm immune to worrying about a little dirt now. Lord knows I got really dirty this weekend.

I finally recieved my loan today and paid for my housing deposit. What a relief. You know, I was seriously considering buying a new bed. A nice big bed. But maybe I'll hold off for a while. Save up some money and what not. I don't know. This might be because I slept in my brother's twin bed this weekend and discovered that he was using my old mattress. You know, the one my grandma made me get rid of in exchange for a new one because she thought it was uncomfortable. Pah! Sleeping on it the other night was amazing. That is my mattress and it is the most comfortable thing I've ever had the pleasure to sleep on. And when I move, I'm going to switch it out with my new one and take it back. See if I don't!

scullerymaid at 9:40 a.m.

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