February 08, 2010


I should be writing a visual analysis right now, but I can't focus. Venezuela has been texting me for the past two hours.

What does that mean? Can a guy and a girl just be friends...or is there always going to be that lingering question of what if? I wonder what he's think right now. Is he in the shower, running hands through his hair, questioning as I am? Is he wondering who is this Tiger Lily girl and how did we start talking? How did we become friends? Are we friends? Who is she?

I don't know but these questions fill my head. I'm just curious to see where we are going to go. A part of me prays for nothing more than this friendship we are creating. But there's the other par of me that maybe hopes for something else. just maybe...

And then I quickly slap my cheek and proceed to lecture myself on the matter.

Am I even attracted to him? Maybe if he shaves. And didn't smoke. And talked more in person than on the phone

scullerymaid at 4:42 p.m.

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