November 07, 2009

Cloud 9

Oh diaryland!

Tonight I was absolutely on cloud nine. I went to Old Navy to check out their outerwear sale and guess who I bumped into? My Redhead! Yes, my Redhead was at Old Navy and I saw him. But the trip is, he talked to my. My Redhead talked to me. Not the other way around. He recognized me and said hello. Of course, I was in such a state of shock, I couldn't make myself confess my college-long cruch on him, so I proceeded to act like an idiot and tell him that he looked familiar. And then he explained that he went to CNU and I was all cool saying that I'd seen him before. Then I told him I though his hair was gorgeous. I know, I know! But I couldn't resist. It rather popped out of my mouth unbidden. But he didn't seem to mind. Anyway, we parted, only to bump into eachother again and have a smile moment. And after that, I was non-responsive. Math was trying to show me these clothes she wanted to try on but I was definitely off in some other world of my own. I was positively ecstatic. That made my night.

I'm in love with that boy. I would marry him in a heartbeat and have his redheaded children. Alas, he has a girls friend. I know, tragic. But maybe one day he won't. And even if he does, maybe I'll still be able to touch his hair before graduation. That's all I want.

While at Old Navy, I did buy a new winter coat. It's big, white, and fluffly with a fur hood. I love it. Look like an eskimo when I put it on and it's amazing.

I also chatted up with this guy at work. We had a good time chatting/playing/kindaflirting while he closed line. I didn't realize he was so young though. I thought he was older than me, but he's only 18 about to turn 19. Geez, I would have out him at 23! Craziness...

scullerymaid at 11:46 p.m.

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