September 22, 2009


I'm a little upset. I've been planning to go to a Pow wow this upcoming weekend for months and my friends said they would go with me. But I should have known better. Whenever I ask them to do specific things with me, they always end up bailing on me. I'm sure if I was getting married, something else would come up, something more important. So whatever. I'll go pow wow without them!

Also, it's been over three weeks and my French book still hasn't come in. Today I had to break down and buy the workbook because we needed it for class. But the textbook is a little too expensive for me to just go buy. Hence the reason I used so much for that. Guess I'll start contacting them tomorrow.

Remember how I want to study abroad? I've decided to go to Aix-en-Provence in France and Malaga in Spain. Only problem? The end of one program and beginning of the other overlapse. What does that mean? That I can't go? That I have to choose only one? I don't know. I could wait until August to go to Spain, but I'd miss the first week of school in the fall. Maybe I can work with that.

On a different note, I've decided to toilet train Loca, my cat. I cannot stand kitty litter and am ready to get rid of it. I originally wanted to train her to go outside, but for one reason or another, the creature is terrified of the outdoors. Absolutely petrified! So we're moving to plan B: the human toilet. I hear it's quite possible and popular, training one's cat to use an actual toilet. We'll see. I'm quite curious now.

scullerymaid at 1:08 a.m.

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