September 14, 2009



I am so screwed! Today I had a four page paper due on this book we were supposed to read for my religion class. Well, I got my check on Thursday and was going to go buy the book Friday. Well, I forgot. So I went to Barnes & noble, Boarders, and Books-A-Million and none of them had it. Fine! It's only 160 pages. I was able to read the first 30 online. I could get up early today, Monday, go to the bookstore and finish reading it and at least be prepared for the class discussion. So what if my report is a day late? I have the rest of the semester to make it up.

So I go to the bookstore and they are SOLD OUT! WTF?! You'd think they would have a book available for each student taking a particular class. Or at least more than they did have. Even if I would have remembered to go Friday, they wouldn't have had it. What was I supposed to do though? My parents can't help me buy books. My car payment takes all the money I make at work. how is a student supposed to succeed without their books? They can't. But how are they supposed to get those books if aid doesn't come in until the fourth week of school.

I know it's not the bookstore's fault. But it's not my fault either. Either way, this sucks!

scullerymaid at 10:15 a.m.

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