September 11, 2009

Hot mama

Last night I made some pretty good Chicken Tortilla Soup...and it was my first time. Not to mention the fact that I somewhat made it up. Lots of substituting and adding other ingredients. I fed it to SB, Artist, and Math and they loved it. At first I didn't like it, but after I let it simmer for a good minute, it was fabulous. And had quite a kick! Next time I work with jalepenos, I'm going to wear gloves. This morning I rubbed my eye and it burned. But I've washed my hands like 6 times since using them last night. Peppers!

After I left the apartment, I went home and crawled in bed and had a lovely dream about my Redhead. What I would do for that dream to be real!

scullerymaid at 11:15 a.m.

pots | pans