June 29, 2009

Student loans

Money is tight. I know this. It's my money and I'm not an idiot. And though I will be just fine, I am living paycheck to paycheck and that scares me. It's terrifying to know there is no money in my savings. But I needed a car and all I can do is hope to catch up soon and start saving again. This is part of being an adult.

So I'm probably going to take out one of my student loans. I didn't want to, but a girl has to eat, right? Pay rent and buy kitty litter (I cannot stand kitty litter and litter boxes by the way).

And I also have a gym membership to pay every month for a year now. People think I was stupid for joining. That it's a waste of money that could be better spent somewhere else. But you know what? I needed this. I needed to join a gym. For years I've been saying next summer I'll lose weight. I'll start running or I will do exercises. And all those promised summers slip away and I'm still the way I was before. But with this gym, I go almost every day. Ithink since I've joined, there have been three days of not going. That's like going straight for 2 weeks. So I don't think spending $40 a month to go use a tredmill almost every day is a waste of money. Not if it hanges me. Not if I'm motivated and wiling to get in shape. Not if it means in 20 years I'm going to have strong muscles and a healthy heart. It was not a bad idea.

scullerymaid at 4:08 p.m.

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