May 21, 2009

Socially acceptable

I just read one of the blogs that I delightfully check out once in a blue moon (meaning 3-5 times a week) and it said something along the lines of how whipping out your phone in the middle of a conversation is socially accetable.

I think this is terrible. I completely agree. Texting/twittering/other random stuff that one can do on a cell phone is socially acceptable nowdays no matter the situation. In the middle of good conversations, people just take out their phones to talk to other people. What ever happened to enjoying the moment with the person you're phiscally with. Whenever I'm with my friends I hate taking out my phone. I feel like I'm being so rude. I mean, when people take out their phones when they're with me, I always think This is nice. Let me sit here a wait while you do your texting. Yeah, it's not a waste of my time at all.

I just think it's awkward. You're trying to have a meaningful conversation, and then bam! It's paused for the sake of texting. Maybe I'm just complaining, but why even bother going out together if you're not going to focus on the person you're with? I think that's the problem with a lot of relationships. A loss of focus.

scullerymaid at 9:32 p.m.

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