May 22, 2009

Peanut butter crunch

Okay, so I've been using Rosetta Stone and it is greatly improving my vocabulary (le garcon, la fille, le cheval, une robe), although I can't cay the word for "shoes" to save my life. I don't think I could even spell it. The prgram keeps beeping and it's so frustrating not being able to say something properly. I can't say the "tre" in "quatre" either. My mouth just can't figure out how to make that sound. In situations like these I wish I had studied music growing up.

But I'm still very excited about the program. I can't wait to see if it can realy make me fluent or not. I'm a tad skeptical, but tres/muy/very hopeful.

Can you say fluent in three languages? Yeah! And after I master French and Spanish, bring on Portuguese and Italian. They don't have Romanian, but they will eventually. I mean, they have Irish (another lanagueg I would love to learn), don't they? How many people in the world speak Irish? Not a lot compared to others.

scullerymaid at 11:19 a.m.

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