May 18, 2009


I've decided to buy Rosetta Stone. That seems a little prblematic since I don't really have any money right now and the program is quite expensive, but I'm going to start saving and get it.

I'm a little hesitant, but I called BG who is a friend of mine that studies langue intensiviely and asked what he thinks. He's also in the army and language is his specialty. He said it's the best program he's ever used and I should totally invest. That's enough to convince me. Sure, he has more discipline than I do, but I'm up for the challenge.

I just don't know which langauge to do. I would do Spanish, but since I'm already "advanced" I'm scared it would just frustrate me and I'd abandon it. So that leaves French. I'm still a beginner and can easily shut the language out of my head. I can hardly remember how to conjugate verbs. For that matter, I can't even remember verbs! So maybe it would really help me out in that department. Or I could get a lanaguage I've never been introduced to like Irish (it is on my list!). But yeah, I'll probably get French.

I'm excited :-) Just got to go back to work first.

scullerymaid at 10:14 p.m.

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