April 07, 2009

Ranting and painting

Okay, so my last entry was a total rant, but it feels good to sit down and right down every little detail that bothers me. And a lot of it I really do just need to accpet and get over (and I will), but I do think they can be a little more understanding. But whatever. It's an issue, but it isn't even that big.

I have a lot of paper presentations to do in the next couple weeks. Not looking forward to that. This is my least favorite part of school. Why have an end of the year assignment? Why can't they just be throughout the year? That way things don't pile up and people don't get stressed.

I think I'm going to paint my room purple. Or have once purple accent wall. I don't know. I just wish it would hurry up and get here.

scullerymaid at 8:59 p.m.

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