April 05, 2009


Why do we always fight? And why is it always about the same thing? And why does it never get anywhere? It's just one big circle repeated over and over.

I've been up for about 36 hours. Relay was last night and I simply didn't feel like coming home to Artisit and her boyfriend. So I took a quick nap at Panera. And then another quick nap in an Excalade (is that how you spell it). The temperature is said vehicle was perfect too. Cool, leather seat. Toasty, sunny air. Wonderful for a power nap.

After that I was kind of up. No sense in sleeping the day away if I'm not sleepy. And Dancer came up and surprised me. But he complained the whole time about how we had to cut it short because I had a study group. I told him before he came I had a study group and I already post-poned it by a couple hours. It's not my fault he was stuck in traffic. It's just the way things panned out. Ew, and he brought his boyfriend. Everywhere I turn, boyfriend, boyfriend, boyfriend! So yeah, I'm really angry at Dancer. I was so excited that he was coming. And I really appreciate it since he lives an hour and a half away. But damn already. What was I supposed to do?

Then Popeguy and I got into it, but by the end it was good. But I think we def need to address the topic again. I'm not going to like his BF. Ever. This time it's not just because he's the boyfriend. I just don't care for him all that much. His mannerisms drive me crazy. But whatever. We need to find some middle ground. A ground where they are going to have to understand that I'm going to be distant and quiet and a ground where I'm going to have to understand that he's not going anywhere.

As a side, it would be great if he did by Christmas. Preferably the end of summer. Actually, now would be the best, but a girl's got to be realistic. I hate that he lives so close to. Why couldn't he be from NOVA like everybody fucking else?

Last night I had a massage for the first time. AMAZING. I was quite surprised :-D

scullerymaid at 9:07 p.m.

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