March 01, 2009


If I opened up my restaurant, I think I'd call it Rain. Noone likes to cook when it's raining.

If I had a car, I would find another job and quit the one I have now. Or at least think about quiting.

Last night we had our first Iron Chef CNU Cookoff. It was SWEET! I won. But everyone was very hesitant to judge. Competitions aren't about feelings people! Just kidding...?

Housing is a bitch. But you know, I'm just going to have to deal with it. And things happen for a reason, right? I judt hope everything works out the way I think it will, God willing.

Speaking of cars, I'm aiming to get mine fixed by the end of Easter. I really hope I can pull it off and pay my potential rent.

I feel like I'm very stressed, but not lettingmyself be stressed, you know what I mean? Right now I'm very much in control, but the right thing could let me loose.

I'll be fine. And I bought some great lotion. :-D

scullerymaid at 10:54 p.m.

pots | pans