February 24, 2009

Taxes taxes taxes

I just filed my taxes, woot woot! Now I just have to finish FAFSA, and I'm good. Oh, and file as an independent...

Sometimes I think Popeguy is a walking contradict. He says that he wants to go through life together, go to the same grad school and stuff like that. Live in the same city. And yet, sometimes he brushes it off as fantasy (which it may very well be). I just wish he wouldn't say one thing but believe another. It sends mixed signals, you know?

If he doesn't think we're going to make it, that after college we're going to fall apart, he shouldn't ask me what I think about going to NYU instead of UCSB. Boys!

Spanish class was fun today. I think my teacher was picking on me, but I'm not entriely sure of my interpretation of what she said.

Grandma stopped by today and brought me my peacoat. Yeah, winter is ending but I'm still glad I have it.

scullerymaid at 6:51 p.m.

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