October 30, 2008

Major decisions

Oh, Diaryland! I don't know what to do...

Registration for classes is quickly approaching and I need to decide what I want to do. I'm definitely majoring in Spanish. I'velasted this long, why not go all the way? And it's true that I've always enjoyed language. I just never thought I'd make it into a career. Oh, and today was so bad. In French, I kept doing everything in Spanish! Today was the first day French was actually hard and it's all because of Spanish. Guess it's a sign that I should stick with it.

But what about Anthroplogy? What do I want to do with that? And the classes I need usually aren't offered. How does that help me? And stinking prerequisites! Yuck! But yeah, I thought about just minoring, but that's one class less than majoring. So what is the smarting this to do...?

And then there's MAT. I really don't want to do it because I don't want to teach. But if I sit down and think about it, it would mean job security and a slightly larger paycheck. So is that worth taking classes I have no interest it?

And with all this there are so many classes I still have to take. What if I don't graduate in time? It's just so much work. and I so don't want to take Statistics for Anthropolgy. and I thought I was done with math. I don't know why I did anthro. I should have down classic studies or histroy. Too late now.

And I don't know if I can minor in French with all that. Like I said, it's a lot. But I can still take french in grad school too, right?

scullerymaid at 12:16 a.m.

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