August 16, 2008


It's so good to be back in the News. You have no idea how much it feels like home here.


My room key doesn't work anymore. So now I guess I have to wait til Monday to get a new one, which kinda sucks because I was going to clean out my apartment. Oh well. What's a gal gonna do?

I also have good news I think. It doesn't bother me as much as it did. Popeguy and his friend thing. This guy I've only met once (he lives back at Home), but he seemed really nice. He's a little awkward about his sexuality, and is also shy. I'm glad this one is shy. Being shy myself, I know how much our kind is overlooked and underestimated. So I wish them the best of luck. I'd rather him date someone and talk to me about it than him date someone and a rift forms in our relationship.

I really did miss him.

And I am giving Dancer the silent treatment. He stood me up last night and I'm so pissed. I could have made other plans. I didn't get a call, a text, nothing.I even sent him a message and he didn't reply. Better have been an emergency...

scullerymaid at 12:24 p.m.

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