May 22, 2008

Don't blame lucifer

Yeah, so that was a really long entry but I have one more thing before I forget. Today, I was a t Panera most of the day working on the play with Popeguy after he got off. Besides the point. While he was still working, he pulled me into the freezer and told me that this lady that works there (she's a little older) said that I always look so angelic. Then she asked if I like him! He told her that we were firends and then she said, "no, does she like you?" Then he explained that we went to high school with each other and have been friends for a very ling time. We both busted out laughing when he told me this. It was funny.

But that is the second person at work that says I look angelic. But apparently while I'm working I always look angry. It's my stupid hat. It doesn't go onmy head right so like covers my face. Grr.

scullerymaid at 11:37 p.m.

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