April 15, 2008

Two movies minus one

Today wasn't bad at all. This morning I got up around 5 and went to Panera. This was mostly because I woke up alone in Popeguy's room. Actually, his roommate was there. So I kind of bolted. And since Panera is right there, I thought it was a perfect opportunity to go give him a nice chewing for leaving me when I said I would go. But it turned out that someone had called out right before I showed up. So they put me on the clock, which is actually a good thing because I had no hours this week. I went back to Panera this afternoon and guess what? I was put on the clock again! Now I've worked 16 hours this week. Amazing, right?

And I've learned the secret. If I come in and do work. Help out when it's really needed, one of two things happen. I either get paid (that really surprised me. Usually they just say thank you) or I get free food. I got breakfast and dinner for free today. That made me happy.

So that's my strategy. Get on everyone's good side. Be dependable. And I shall reap the benefits. But don't be a pushover. That will get me neither food, money, or respect.

Oh, and tonight we watched Saw IV and Enchanted. I'm so glad we are done with Saw. It's interesting, but too gorey for me. *shivers*

scullerymaid at 12:45 a.m.

pots | pans