March 26, 2008

Trickery and resolutions

I think my anger is finally fone. Well, kind of. Last night we had this big talk. It started at dinner and just happened to continue for the rest of the night. We ended up going to Falcon's and that was nice, too.

So yeah. Everything is out in the open now and we're trying to be more understsanding.

Except for Popeguy. I can barely stand the sight of him. As my best frined (not including Romania) he has really hurt and disappointed me and even though I love him to death, my trust has been broken and now that almost dependent attatchment I had for him is gone.

He put me on speaker phone! He's been jumping to conclusions, assuming that I tell him everything that's going on in my life, and put me on speaker phone without telling me. And it doesn't make me that mad except that he's the one that did it. And I didn't expect it from him. He thinks he knows me so well, and he should I think, seeing how "close" we are. He should've known that it would've been better to put Math on the phone with me that to trick me like that.

Really, right now just thinking about him is putting a bad taste in my mouth.

scullerymaid at 10:58 a.m.

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