February 27, 2008

Hope in a language

I found out some very interesting news about my Span profesor today. For the 302 class.

We're doing these presentations, so I met up with my group after class today and one of the girls told me that she was talking to the profesor and the conversation turned to me. How strange! Anyway, he thinks I'm very smart and capable and have lots of potential, but when you move me from my seat I can't talk. So the group should try to keep me in my seat. I just found this very funny. It's a nice compliment, it really is. All this time I was scared he thought I was some slacker student who wouldn't participate in class. I feel better about the class now.

I was relaying all this to Popeguy, who has been stressed out by his French class, and he told me he was talking to his profesor today as well and found out some good info for us. Most language granduates are barely at an intermediate level when they graduate. They can't form multi-tensed sentences. So we are good because we both can do that. Our problem? We're so worried about being gramatically correct, we constantly try to fix our mistakes rather than allowing the conversation to just flow.

So maybe there's hope for me in languages after all. I have positive thoughts about it now.

But you know what? When I listen to people talk in my class, I think they have very weird accents. Of course we're all American and not fluent/native speakers, but we're taught how to pronunciation. So why do people talk so funny? But who am I to criticize? Maybe they think I talk funny :-)

scullerymaid at 1:21 a.m.

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