January 25, 2008

I see your soul

I'm going to try and make this my last entry about Peace for awhile. I'm not exactly sure how that will work out since people are constantly bringing him up, and this is the one place I try and gather my thoughts, opinions, and everyday agitations, but that's okay. At least in my mind I'm pretending to simply let go and see where life takes me.

He has beautiful eyes. I've never really considered myself to be a light-eyes liking kind of girl, but I love his eyes. In fact, remember my Poolboy? Actually, I'm not sure that I've ever describe him in any detail at all here, but he was my childhood crush. We spent summers together, and he had the most beautiful eyes ever. So much so, that I can still remember them. They were like turquoise fire, bright and clear. Beautiful in every way. He's the one that pops into my mind whenever I hear "Eyes Like Yous/Ojos Asi" by Shakira.

Peace... his eyes are not turquoise fire, but I could still melt in them. It's so strange. I think I've always had a problem with looking people in the eyes. Why? Maybe it's because of that whole theory where when you look into other people's eyes, you an look into their souls. So am I avoiding seeing the souls of others, or hiding mine? That's a very good question. But I could stare directly into Peace's eyes as h stared back into mine all day long. It's weird. Doing this didn't make me nervous or anything. I had no need to look away. And it was like looking into the universe. I'm not even sure what color his eyes are. Grey. Green. Blue. Hazel. Like a stormy sky or peaceful ocean. Magnificent.

Someone told me my eyes were beautiful once. CM, actually. But I think she's pretty insane, anyway. But I don't know. Maybe they are. They're just brown. Perhaps there are other hues in there, but I don't really pay enough mind to notice.

I talked with Romania tonight. She has her boy troubles as well. Poor thing. It hurts her so bad, but she knows it has to be done. More power to her. But it's what she wants. She can't hold back because she's afraid of hurting his feelings. If it were meant to be, it would last. But it's just not working right now.

I think maybe that's all for now. There's not much else occupying my mind. Except of course the usual Math/Popeguy twinage, and now the Artist/Snortgiggles twinage. Sometimes I just feel like a 5th wheel... But it's surely not true. I'm the one that's called up when everyone gets out of class, but still. I wish I had a twin, too.

Why is it whenever I'm at college I feel separate and secluded? I hang out with the exact same people here that I hung out with over break, yet when we come back, I feel like I lose my connection with them a little bit...

scullerymaid at 1:02 a.m.

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