January 21, 2008

Math bond

I think I'm going to love my MWF classes! My Precalc professor is pretty cool. Reminds me of my uncle. So I think I'll be fine. And it's alot of Trig, which I know...I just need some major reviewing. My Religious Studies class seems fun. I'm excited.

Very nervous about Span in the morning though. Hopefully it's not bad, because I'd love not to drop any classes, though I'd prefer a later class, but whatever. Fingers crossed.

Today Math and I dicussed our "boy" problems. and we've concluded that we like the idea of the boys, not the actual boys themselves. It wasn't bad talking because we both feel the exact way. Do I like him? Yes. No I don't. It's so annoying! But I was so like whoa talking to her. But it was a nice bonding moment. As long as she does't go blabbing to Popeguy! I'm not ready to tell him, especially if I'm not really feeling anything.

But yeah, she said she saw us as more of brother and sister. And you know what? I am always the mother, the sister, the friend. Never the lover! This is why spinsterhood is looking very likely. With all my cats :-D

scullerymaid at 11:39 p.m.

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