November 29, 2007

I believe... I don't believe...I believe...I don't believe

There's no such thing as love, is there? Or at least not the real thing. I've always thought of myself as a hopeless romantic, an eternal optimist. I thought I would always hold these ideals firmly in my heart. But everywhere I turn, relationships are failing. And not just your average let's take a go around the block relationships, but ones that you'd think were strong and would make it. But they aren't. Not a single one. Love can only last in movies and books. It's our fantasy.

Maybe there's a part of me that still believes or wants to believe. But right now, the only thing I know is that everyone either leaves or dies. So why bother daydreaming that something will happen one day. Is it really better to hope for the best and expect the worse? To think you'll always be alone, like everyone else you know, so that when you are alone it won't seem as bad?

I had hoped not, but maybe I was wrong...

scullerymaid at 12:58 a.m.

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