August 14, 2007


Sunday was my mom's birthday. It was also a new moon, which was supposed to make for a good night of meteor shower watching. So Cherish and I decided to go out to the country and have a little camp out to watch. Well, one thing led to another and the whole family was invited! So we a had a bonfire (more of a campfire, really) and roasted hot dogs and marshmallows. Mom showed up and we had cake and ice cream. Of course, the meteors were few and everyone doubt this "shower" we were supposed to be able to see. But Me, Cherish, and Squirt stayed outside on our blankets to watch. It was nice, aside from the mosquitoes. I never thought I'd enjoy sleeping on the bare ground with nothing but a blanket under me and sky above me me so much. I loved it. We slept for awhile before finally coming in around 3:30.

I went to the doctor today about that rash on my back. Well, it turns out I have shingles. When she told me this I was very scared. She made it sound oh so serious and I thought I'd have to deal with it for the rest of my life. But she assured me that no, that was very rare and I would be fine.

How I wish I was normal!

But I was still scared. Tears wouldn't stop falling down my cheeks, though they were unbidden. So when grandma took me to the drug store to fill my prescription, I borrowed her phone and went outside to call Popeguy, who managed to calm me down. I'm so grateful! His voice is so soothing, his words like an antidote. I wish I could record his voice and listen to him whenever I'm scared or sad. I feel bad that I only call when I'm crying. Oh, and he apologized for not going shopping with me. I understand why, though. It wasn't really a matter of forgetting me, even though that's what he did. Either way, I forgive him.

Sometimes that fear swells up again in my stomach. It feels like that restless feeling I get sometimes, only worse. But I need only to think about Popeguy and the monster goes away.

I finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows tonight. It was wonderful.

"I felt like a contagious freak and didn't want to hear about how it could be worse"

scullerymaid at 11:38 p.m.

pots | pans