October 16, 2005

Weekends are too short

This has been an interesting weekend.

Saturday I worked at the VFW. That's 4 1/2 hours of standing on my feet serving food! We did have a 40 minuted break, but that was used to eat, clean, and prepare for the next rush.

But I did have fun. I think I'll start volunteering more often. It's not like I have anything else to do with my Saturday nights. Or my days for that matter.

Today I got to play electrician. That's right! I fixed our porch lights. Well, one of them because I didn't know mom was doing the first one. So now I know how to do the wiring and all. I thought it was fun. Another thing to add to my possible-things-I-can- do-when-I-grow-up list.

School isn't that great right now though. Spanish is a little low, but I'm already fixing that. I don't understand what we just did in math, but I have until Tuesday afternoon to figure it out. But the worst is Chemistry. I never thought I would miss biology. It's easy to memorize elements and their symbols and all that, but I don't understand electron configurations. I know it's not hard, but my teacher didn't do a good job at explaining it. So tomorrow I'm going to stay after school and have the other teacher help me.

I had to go shopping twice today, and it wasn't for a baking stone. I wasn't too happy about that and lucky Grandma was the second person to take me. There was a teensy bit of frustration.

4 days

scullerymaid at 9:37 p.m.

pots | pans