October 10, 2005

I can't believe we had school today

Today hasn't been the best day. This morning I had dad take me to school early so I could finish some work. When we got there, I pulled out my interim so he could sign it. I know, it seems like I was holding it off, but I wasn't. This is just how I've always gotten my interim sighned. Anyway, all he could do is say:

I've never seen so many B's

And then he hummed. I was so angry I had to get out of the car and go into the building so I could go cry at my locker. I make very good grades and I get three B's on the interim, and he does that. That's why I hate showing him things like this. It's not good enough that I have a 100 A+ in Ap History, which is by the way amazing. No! It's not good enough.

But in history we had a substitute and didn't have to take our unit test because our teacher didn't post it on the class page. But of course he sent it via email when we had 20 minutes left for class. No one told the sub.

I have a headache. I've had it since 6th period and it won't go away. I thought it was simply because I hadn't eaten anythin today, but now I have and it's still here. And people keep ringing the door bell

O! Tomorrow I'm going to try and sign up for BTW... if I can get there before anyone else does. There's only three slots left, and I don't think I can make it down to the cafeteria fast enough. But I'll try.

"Today I was labled as the crazy girl running down the hall"

scullerymaid at 3:41 p.m.

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