August 29, 2005


They've changed everything. I don't know what to think. I feel lost. Exposed. Naked. The renovation is nice I suppoose. Okay, it is- it has this modern flare more fitting to the cliched bookworms who spend all day sitting in the cafe drinking their coffee. So I do like it, and if it were anyother bookstore, one I've never been to, I would be estatic. But after shopping at the same Books A Million all my life, it comes as a shock to suddenly walk in one day to find yourself baffled, wondering if you've wandered into the wrong store. I'm going to miss the old BAM.

The little train station in the kids section where you could watch movies at- gone. The craking floor boards near customer service and in one of the ailes- gone. The wooden floors have been replaced with capet, the sections I knew by heart moved to different locations. I wonder how long it will take me to soak it all in? To walk in and not feel... whatever it is I feel.

But I did enjoy my Vanilla Cream Frappe, and found quite a few books that interested me. If only I hadn't forgotten my money!

"Change comes..."

scullerymaid at 11:23 p.m.

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