August 21, 2005

Plane drama

Wow! I've just spent the past eight hours reading FictionPress. I don't think I've been seated for such a lengthy period of time before.

I know, sounds pathetic, doesn't it? I just can't help myself when I find a good read!

And for those of you who remembered that I was suppose to spend my day at KD trying to avoid roller coasters, it didn't pan out. One of the party got sick so my dad decided to stay home. Hopefully we'll go Thursday. I am so tired of postponing it!

Anyway, I had a strange dream last night. I've mentioned before that I'm going to Greece, and that I fear planes. I've never been on one and am growing more and more wary of the fact that I have to take a flight in order to reach my destination, especially with the two crashes reported in the past week or so. It really freaks me out!

So I was dreaming that the day had come to leave, and I got on the plane. But it wasn't the normal kind that you travel on, but the kind that can land on water. And for some reason my grandma was there with me. The plane took off, bottle-nosed into the air, like a roller coater goes up the track before zooming (I know planes don't do this) and it was really steep and I felt like I was going to fall because for some reason or another I wasn't strapped in and was sitting backwards in my seat.

The only other thing I remember is flying over a lake or something similar and the plane suddenly stopped. So we were aiming for the water to our deaths. But since it could land on water we were fine.

I hope I have no more dreams involving planes, especially ones where I almost die.

"Authors have this way of making me fall in love, girly giggles included"

scullerymaid at 6:07 p.m.

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