January 22, 2012

Breathing heavy

Is there a cure for snoring? When I was little, I was diagnosed with sleep apnea and they removed my tonsils when I was in 8th grade. For the most part, that ended the shake-the-house type of snoring I did and I no longer stopped breathing in my sleep. But I do breathe heavily in my sleep, something not quite so bad as snoring but still noticeable if your bed partner is a light sleeper.

Last night I banished myself to the couch because TJ kept rolling me over. A part of me can't fault him for wanting some shuteye because I know what it's like to sleep with someone that snores. It's a pain! But another part of me wants to be angry with him because it's just heavy breathing and not outrageous snoring. Since all my friends and I have lived together, I've asked to make sure and they tell me it's not bad, but still he can't sleep. What am I supposed to do about that?! I can't help that I'm a deep breather anymore than he can't help he's a light sleeper and I refuse to be one of those couples that sleep in separate rooms- I just can't see the point in that.

Is it possible that sleep apnea doesn't go away? Should I go back to the doctor? Sleeping on my side doesn't seem to do the trick and I don't have much faith in nasal strips, though I suppose it's worth a try.

I hate that couch!

scullerymaid at 6:48 p.m.

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