December 22, 2010

Two girls and four boys

Oh diary!

Did I mention that I'm in trouble? I've managed to get involved with three guys in three hours. Okay, not involved, but hit on. I liked the first one until the second one came along. And I liked the second one until the third one came along. So what am I going to do?! The first two have every intention of texting me tomorrow, but I only have eyes for number three now. How am I going to shrug them off? Maybe I should do some indulging before I settle for number three- but he knows how to throw on the charm and I'm a sucker for charmers. Especially when they are tall, tan, and apparently Czechoslovakian. I mean, where can I go wrong here? And he's very good at calling me beautiful. Have I mentioned that I'm a sucker for compliments...?

Oh, and I watched Artist cheat on her boyfriend tonight. What am I supposed to do about that? Ignore it or talk to her about it? I don't know! It's her life, right? So maybe I shouldn't stick my nose in it. But I stood there and let it happen because I was too busy dealing with my own boys.

Drama drama drama. That's what I see in my near future. But at least I met cute boy that thinks I'm beautiful!

scullerymaid at 3:38 a.m.

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