November 14, 2010

And five hours later...

I've been sitting here since noon and haven't written a single word of my MLAN paper. Yup, five hours has gotten me nowhere. Okay, that's not true. I did write a 2 1/2 page paper for my refugee class and a half page summary for my magic class. That counts for something right? I just have no motivation to write this MLAN thing though. First off all, my sources are kinda shitty, which is ironic because I'm writing about the sewer lines in Mexico city. But I can' find anything that really goes with my thesis. For that matter, though, my thesis isn't even solid. It's more like an ongoing paragraph of what I would like to write about. Kind of. I don't know. What I do know is that this class, which happens to be my senior seminar, has shit to do with my major. I think it's ridiculous that I have to take it, especially since this is the first year that language majors have had a capstone class. Usually, we just take an extra upper level class- which I did three semsters ago. Now they tell me that I also have to do the seminar. Great for me! Too bad I didn't graduate a year earlier. Maybe deep resentment is causing this lack of motivation I have...or perhaps it's just pure laziness.

All I know is that it's going to be a long night, and I don't even have internet in my apartment. Here's to the end of the semester! Oh, and I also have to go to work at 7 for a couple hours of training. I'd take the training over this paper any day. Too bad it's not a matter of choice. I wish I could write about Aztec art instead. I could whip that kind of paper out. And here I though sewer lines would be such a good idea...

scullerymaid at 4:58 p.m.

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