August 04, 2010

Candy pink

Well, diary, it seems that I've found myself a mission. Mandy (you remember Mandy; she lived in the house with me junior year) is getting married and asked me to be a bridesmaid. What?! I couldn't believe it. One, she's so young. Nineteen and getting married. To each her own, I suppose. Two, I was surprised she asked me. She always said she would, but since we've moved out of the house we have drifted apart. she doesn't answer my texts, I've stopped bothing with trying to contact her.

But I'm still very excited! I love weddings and have never been part of the bridal party before. This is sure to be quite the experience. I'm not sure how I feel about wearing pink, but it's not my wedding and hopefully it will look comely against my tan.

Anyway, the wedding is in either May and June and I've decided this is perfect. Why, you might ask? Because it gives me not only a purpose, but a deadline. Yes, I'm talking weight here. I need to tone up and drop some more wieght to reach my healthy goal. Courtesy to my cousin, the there was a nice little package in my mailbox the other day with some workout videos, one being the Jillian Michaels' 30 day shred. I started it today with Math!

So yes, my goal is to lose another 40-50 lbs in the 10-11 months before the wedding. That will put me in shape not only for Mandy's wedding, but for graduation. How exciting will that be? Let's just hope my motivation doesn't flag. But I don't think 40 lbs is unreasonable. That's like one pound a week. Doable, right? I'm going to say yes. It sounds like a lot though. Can you imagine being 40 lbs lighter? I never realized how much a lb was until they began dropping off my body. I don't know, but I think that will put me at a decent weight.

Fingers crossed. I'm going to look good walking down that aisle even if it isn't my own wedding!

scullerymaid at 11:26 p.m.

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