July 16, 2010

Privacy what?

I know I said I would update about Costa Rica when I got back, and I promise I'm getting around to it, but first some necessary venting is in order.

I love my room. It's great and screams me at every corner. But I hate how people think that they can just waltz in whenever they please. Yeah, sure I don't have a door. That doesn't give you the freedom to walk in just because you can see in. So what if my fan is running? I don't know if yours is or not so don't come in and turn it off when I'm not home. And yes, I know that my sliding door leads outside, but there are two other perfectly functioning doors in the house. Why the fuck do you have a need to use mine. That is for my use and my use only unless I explicitly invite you to use it.

I know I'm complaining a bit, but for goodness sake I gave up privacy so you guys could have your own rooms and not argue. But the hell if I'm going to be walked all over just because my room is outside of general convention!

scullerymaid at 9:39 p.m.

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