April 30, 2010


Today I miss Popeguy and it makes me very sad. Also, I have my french exam in about an hour and I'm so nervous. My stomach even hurts over it!

In other news, last night I was talking with Artist and Math's roommate and it's always funny what a small world we live in. Shee told me all kinds of shit about the gay couple Popeguy is going to be living with during the summer. One of the guys is like in his 50s and the other one in his 30s. It would seem the younger one has been stepping out and having an afair with this girl's friend. Can you believe it? I wouldn't have expected something like that from him. apparently he's going to call off the affair before summer that way Popeguy can't rat him out to his partner. And do you know why makes me giggle about this whole thing? Popeguy looks up to them so much as if they were some God-sent. If I told him all this, I don't think he'd even believe me. Not that I plan on telling him. Why ruin is innocence...

It makes me a little sick. That the guy is acheating bastard, walking into Panera everyday as if he and his partner were perfectly happy. And that Popeguy probably doesn't trust me enough to believe that the guy is a cheating bastard.

Life. Now let's just hope that I can manage a passing grade in french not to kill me. I really am scared. I pray for a B! Do you remember those days of only making good grades? I surly don't!

scullerymaid at 6:47 a.m.

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