June 13, 2009


Two important things happened today.

First, Popeguy approached me after he got home and we had a very interesting talk. I was in no mood to talk, but I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth and he wouldn't let me out. So he said some things, I countered, and vice versa. But the good part was I didn't cry which I always do. I stood my ground and calmly gave him my points. And he actually agreed with me. Yeah, there are things I need to work on too, but I was just over joyed that what I said actually sank into his thick skull since I don't usually have any arguments.

The second thing? I bought a cat. Yup. Many and I went to just look and I walked out with a little black creature that I can't afford. But it doesn't matter because she's adorable and everyone loves her. She is going to be my companion for a very long time. Haha, it was so funny to see how everyone reacted to her. And the funny thing is, I think Ian was the most stoked ;-)

But I have no idea what to name her. Yikes!

scullerymaid at 12:02 a.m.

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