April 14, 2009


Oh Diaryland, how I've longed to confide in you. But now events are passed and I don't feel like recounting my past couple weeks. The big things anyway. They range from the hell called registration to the disappointment of my future room.

On a brighter side, I'm reading! That's right, I finally bought the latest installment of The Chronicles of Faerie by O.R. Melling. Woot woot! Could have spent that money more wisely, but it's a pretty lenghty novel and well worth it. A good way to escape the world of presentations and paying rent and worrying about all kinds of other things. Ahhhh, so nice :-)

Okay, but I guess I should talk about the other things a little bit. Let's start with my future room. Scratch that. Let's call it my future closet, because it indeed is the tiniest little room I ever did lay eyes on. At first, I was very upset. Tears welled every time I thought about it. But I know the important thing to do in a situation like this is to have a positive attitude. And it's true that I'll probably never spend any time in there; only for sleep. So what's the big deal? And I plan on paiting to open it up. This is my challege and I accept! Bravo!

As far as registration goes, it was tr�s ennuyeux. My advisor, who also happens to be the freaking department head, gave me the wrong pin. I don't know how, because I watched her copy it from her sheet, but it was wrong. And because she didn't sign my advising paper, I had to go through all these different offices to get a new pin. By the time I did all that, my classes were closed. But now I'm content with my classes. I decided to minor in French...and also in Comm, which means I'm taking Pubic Speaking. I know I'm crazy. Me, Tiger Lily, take Public Speaking? Desastre! But we'll see what happens. I don't know why I'm so afraid. I'm so much more assertive than I once was. I don't care as much anymore about how people will repond to me. Yet my palms still sweat and my voice still shakes. But I'm going to suck it up.

Now I'm just ready for summer. I'm tired of all the classes I'm in now, especially Latin American Civ. At first, when we were learning about the Mayas and Aztecs and Incas, it was interesting. I love learning about a people past. I could care less about the people of today. Not to be cold hearted or mean, but I have other concerns. I'm not worried about this dictator or that, about opression and the economy. At this point in my life, other things blip on my radar. That does sound pretty bad though, doesn't it? Maybe I should focus on the less fortunate more. Stop being so selfish...

I'm so done with this semester though. I don't mind papers. Ce n'est rien. But papers that have to be presented bug the crap out of me. First I have to write this long paper, and then present it too? That's nonsense! Ugh, I hate presentations!!!!!

And so much research to do, no time to do it :-(

I thinking about trying to be Key-Opener at work. That basically means on the weekends I would be responsible for opening the cafe. Checking the bake, setting out coffee, etc. I don't know if I want to do it though. Checking the bake? Do I seem like I can tell some experienced baker that his scoring is too deep or his bread bowls look wrong? I guess we'll see.

scullerymaid at 4:41 p.m.

pots | pans