June 09, 2008

Mack party over here!

I'm glad I'm not the only one with dark hair here. In fact, we all have dark hair except for Teacher. Now shedding cannot be blamed on me.

So I just had a long Aim conversation with Romania and Math. Math went on a date tonight with the guy she macked out with at the club. apparently there was more of that only at the movies. And now it's our missione to find ourselves boy candy for the summer. Not bad, but boys aren't always worth the trouble. But flings are always nice. I wouldn't mind having a fling. As long as it's not creeper. There was this guy today while I was driving... no thanks.

Romania wants to go party. Why not? Heck, party and fling at the same time, right?

Don't know if any of this will pan out. Summer seems to be flying by fast. I've already been here for a month. A month!

August will be nice and chill I think. That'll be good.

scullerymaid at 12:28 a.m.

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