May 01, 2008

Water in my lap

So today the group had a big talk. I'm not sure exactly why, but it was good for us I think. Personally, I like having the talks.

That doesn't mean I'm not still a little peeved with Popeguy. I know it's unfair of me, but I can't just wish the feelings away.

Tonight he took us all to "the house." I really had no desire to go and none to return. It's a shame. Had a nice kitchen. And wood floors. Bathroom wasn't bad either. Butit's not my house and I don't want to go to it.

I know it's silly of me. But I can't help it. Thinking about that stupid place puts knots in my stomach.

But at least everythig is in the open right now. That's a start, right?

Aw, and after we did all our complaints and problems, we have a love thing where we went around the circle and said what we love about each other. Snortgiggles said I was a good listener, Popeguy loves our pillow talk, Math... I think likes the talks we have? And I love Artist. She started tearing up because I was the first friend she made in high school after moving from Germany.

It was good.

scullerymaid at 10:17 p.m.

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