April 04, 2008

In the game

I think a certain boy is trying to work his way back into my life. What is he thinking, I wonder?

I suppose it's okay. When I think of him now, my cheeks don't burn and my stomach doesn't turn. I ignored and erased him for two months. I let him go from my heart. Now I'm ready to be friends again.

But I know if he asked for my heart my walls would crumble and I'd give it to him. Now that summer is coming, I'm scared he'll ask for it. But I'm hoping he won't.

This time I'll play the game right. If a game starts...

It's so strange to think about him. I remember how I used to think about him all the time. And now he rarely crosses my mind.

But sometimes a smile tugs at the corner of my mouth.

scullerymaid at 11:14 a.m.

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