March 23, 2008

Origniator on Easter

This is kind of random, but I think I want to raise my kids in another country. Not because I don't like America. This is my mother country, the place of my birth. I love it. But I want my children to grow up speaking another language. A few if at all possible.

I don't know. I've been examining my life lately and I have this feeling that I won't be settling down. Not in the conventional way anyway. I think I'm going to travel the world. Go on dig sites and live in gypsy caravans. See the Eiffel Tower and explore Singapore. Even though I can see myself being the soccer mom, there's a part of me that yearns for adventure. Similar to Evelyn on The Mommy I suppose. That's the closest I can compare. Se? It's possible to have a family and travel about. Sure, maybe my children won't have an average childhood, but it will hopefully be a good one. And how will they know there childhood isn't average until they grow up anyway? Maybe we'll travel until it's time for them to go into high school and college.

I don't know. I've decided that life can't be planned. Life is life and you just have to experience it and see what happens. And in the end, hopefully you're happy. I can't be afraid to live.

Besides, I don't think I want just one career in life anyway. Can you imagine sitting in an office or at a teacher's desk for 30 years? Living the same life day after day. I can't. I want more. I'm just not sure how yet. I think a part of me want to be great. In a quiet way. I want to accomplish something. Even if it's simply living s romantic life, haha.

I don't know. But I think I was born with a restless spirit. And yes I want a house and I want to play the mom and wife... and young to boot! Can't be having lids at 40 now. But I also want to see and learn things. I want to meet all kinds of people and experience part of their culture.

Yup. Soemthing along those lines.

Oh, and I hung with Snortgiggles after I got back from going home for Easter, and she said I was strong willed. Okay, it wasn't really that random. I was filling out scholarships (can you believe it?) and one of them had this test and that was one of the questions. Strong willed or soft hearted? I thought soft hearted. She said strong willed. It made me feel good. And yeah, I guess I am, aren't I?

Speaking of Easter, I did decide to go home and I'm glad that I did. Dinner was pretty good, even if it was lasagna. Dessert was even better. Then we dyed eggs and had our anual Easter Egg Hunt. And guess what? I WON! Yeah, that's right. First time that I can ever remember winning. Even as we started, I was calculating how many more everyone elsewould find and look what happened. But even if I hadn't of won, it was still fun. And Cherish gets my sense of humor, even if it didn't start out as humor. Love her for it. Had some good laughter today.

I do feel bad that I didn't really acknowledge that today was the resurrection of my savior and lord. Did I think of Him at all. Hardly...

Since I'm updating, let me add this in. I think my skirt phase shall be ending soon. I've been wearing skirts almost 24/7, 365 for a couple years now. And I thin it's time to adopt a new style. Or at least, update my wardrobe if I decide to continue wearing skirts. It's just, clothes are so expensive and I hate shopping anyway. A good spree would probably take a whole paycheck if not two. But I suppose some things are necessary even if they dont appear likewise. We'll see. (This seems to be my quote of the month. I say it a lot, don't I?)

Your career profile shows you are an Originator.
As an Originator, you are naturally optimistic, and very accepting of
other's differing perspectives. You are genuinely interested in the
needs of others, and your inclination to listen before you talk helps
to communicate that effectively. Your low-key and easy-going approach
to life is evident in your demeanor, but it tends to cover up your
underlying strength and intensity. Typically, you are balanced in most
aspects of your life. Others find you to be kind and trusting, and you
likely enjoy being surrounded by the same type of people. You enjoy
being spontaneous, and you have little use for structure, routine or
planning ahead. You have an innate sensitivity, which makes you
receptive and considerate to the needs of others.

This little test cost ten bucks to see the full reposrt. Only the sample report wasn't even a real sample. It was for Jane Doe. Well, Mary Q technically, but same dif! How disappointing... I want to know what careers it thought I was suitable for. My so called "perfect" career :-P

scullerymaid at 11:54 p.m.

pots | pans