March 21, 2008

Gossip so sweet

Popeguy is losing his hand-friends status, and I don't like it. He's doing things that I don't approve of and I can feel myself detaching. Just like I did with Dancer. why should Popeguy be immune?

He's secretive and has been lying. Did he really think I wouldn't know? Not only can I read it on his face, but the wind whispers to me often. And does it have oh so many interesting things to tell.

I don't want to detach. And maybe it's not too late. I think he's still at least at elbow-friends status. But he better be careful. I already feel weird and have problems of my own. I'll not worry about him if he keeps it up.

I guess I should just confront him about it. But it really bother me that he's hiding it. That he can't talk to me. But I'm so disappointed in what he's doing. I guess it's fair that he can't talk to me.

Whatever. I'll think about it tomorrow.

Anyway, I can't decide if I want to go home for Easter. I don't really feel like it. And I shouldn't feel guilty since I'm the only one who showed up last year anyway. But I do. And with all these things going on, it might be good to get off campus for a few hours. I wish it were Sat instead of Sunday. Grrr. We'll see...

Next week is going to be the week from hell. I have so many projects and papers!

Oh, and a little work is trying to slip into my vocabulary. I work I generally don't like and have rarely used. But it's constantly in my head and has almost passed through my lips on several occasions. Yes, I am referring to fuck. Oh bother.

scullerymaid at 1:10 a.m.

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