March 06, 2008

Hot guy in Florida


According to my friends I've been really bitchy. And they're right. I've been in this really foul mood for like three weeks now and I don't know what my problem is. It's not Popeguy, because I have no trouble being around him. But everyone else... everything they do is just really pissing me off. Things that shouldn't bother me. So I'm glad we're going on Srping Break. I need some time away.

And I'm so scared of next year because I'm rooming with the girls and if I'm snippy now, how am I going to be when we are ALWAYS ALWAYS together?

But I talked to Romania tonight and she said that she's been the same way. And it's not us, it's them. They're used to seeing the nice, put other people before me Tiger Lily and they don't know what to do with theis other side of me.

More on this subject later

scullerymaid at 7:18 p.m.

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