August 17, 2007

What nerve!

I should be in bed because I have a headache, but I wanted to write about today before I forget or never get around to it.

Today I went to Busch Gardens with my family. Well, we were all going to meet back at the entrance around 3p.m. to get lunch. Naturally, Squirt and his friends were late, so while Dad and JK looked around for them and sat in this area next to the ATM, I was standing by the steps of Customer Assistance or something. I must have been a sight with my hair braided over my shoulder to battle the heat, my clothes a little wet from a ride, because this boy walks up to me. I had the feeling he was coming to me, so I tried to act inconspicuous by avoiding eye contact. That way he would realize that I was trying to stay out of the way. But he came up to me anyway and asked if I needed help with anything (he was a park employee, just so you know). I assured him that I was fine, just waiting for my brother. Then he invited me to come inside where it was air conditioned. Now of course, he could've just been being nice, which I'm sure is all he was doing, but we struck up a small conversation. He's from Poland and is going to University. I didn't catch what he was studying. I really do feel stupid when I talk to people because I can only hear only about half of what everyone says and if an accent is involved, words are lost on me.

Anyway, I went back to the car with everyone to have some sandwiches, but I couldn't stop thinking about Poland. Remember MFH? I met him at the same place and didn't make any effort to become friends with him. Sometimes I think how I wish I would've got his email! Hmmm, I wonder if that is strange of me? Asking random people that I've barely met for their emails?Anyway, because of this regret, I decided to ask Poland for his email. And I did! I actually did it Me, Tiger Lily, asked for a boy's email! He probably thought I was some strange American girl who wanted to pick him up, but I told him I would just like to be friends. And he gave me his email and I gave him mine.

Now what? What do I do next. To tell the truth, I feel incredibly stupid for asking for it. I half wish I would've just stored him to memory like I do all the other nice people I meet. But where's the sense in that? That would make me a silly girl who's scared to make friends. But I'm freaking out here. I may never see him again and I'm freaking out because I asked for his email. Is it always like this? Those of you who have asked for a guy's number. I'm not even trying to date him!

I wonder if he wishes he'd never invited me in for A/C? But I'm tired of being shy! It's time to grow some back bone.

scullerymaid at 11:52 a.m.

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