February 19, 2007

How good you taste

I've decided that despite the fact that I love pizza, and egg rolls, and Spanish rice, and all kinds of other foods, my favorite is definitely kim bop, a Korean rice dish. Only, it's so expensive to buy at the restaurant and we don't have any local Asian markets that have it. I tried to get the recipe once from this girl at school, but that turned out to be a bust. She never emailed me back.

I've also tried searching online for the recipes, but I'm not having much luck, mostly because I don't know what I'm looking at. Some of the ingredients I'd have a real hard time finding.

But I do want the recipe so that I don't have to spend 9 bucks every time I have a craving. I just don't know which recipe I want to use.

scullerymaid at 5:00 p.m.

pots | pans