December 19, 2006

Psychology 101

I'm a bit curious about the psyche. You know how on movies and stuff if someone dies, their loved one just knows? Well, can that be true with friends too? Is it even true to begin with. Can other people's psyche reach out to soemone else when they're miles away.

I'm throwing my 18th birthday party. And I was really excited. I've been planning and inviting and all sorts of things. Well, the excitement just kinda stopped on Sunday night. I had know idea why, but suddenly I was thinking it was a bother and feeling all meloncholly. Monday when I called Ember to give her the details about my party, she told me that our friend Knubbs left for Louisianna Sunday night becuase her grandpa is dying and that she probably won't make it to my party. And it just makes me wonder. Did my excitement stop because her pain was reaching out to me. Is that even possible? I don't know.

I should becoeme a psychologist. Looks like I've already got my thesis.

scullerymaid at 10:52 a.m.

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