November 06, 2006

Not a door mat

I've been accepted at lynchburg College! I don't know why I was so shocked when I read the ledder. I haven't even sent them my letter of recommendation or essay yet. There's one college down.

I suppose it's fair to say that I'm starting to see which friends are my friends and which ones aren't...

I have a friend named...CM and she was my first high school friend. So I guess I have a strong sense of loyalty to her for introducing me to a lot of the friends I have now, despite the fact that lately she's been nipping at my nerves a bit. However, last night was the final draw.

CM is boy-crazed. She's always been this way and she will always be thins way. It's who she is and I've accepted it even though it's all she talks about. So when she meets this guy she likes but isn't allowed to call him on her cell phone, I decided to be nice and let her use mine. Then he disappears and she gets extremely worried. So when he called my phone last night, I think to myself, "okay, he's back. But it's late so i'll call CM tomorrow." But them he calls again and I htink maybe it's really important. So I call CM, get her machine, and leave her a message apologizing for calling so late but that I had something important to tell her. Five minutes later she calls me back, fussing at me for being rude for calling so late and i ma never to do it again.

Okay, first of all, I knew it was late and apologized, but it's not like we have school today.
Secondly, I'm the rude one? She was rather rude when she snapped my head off and all I was doing was doing her a favor.
Thirdly, who is it that uses my phone every even day to talk to this guy? It's my number he has, not hers. Who is it that I give a ride home on odd days because she doesn't want to ride the bus? And whose wannabe boyfriend call my phone at 10:30 in the night? It surely wasn't mine. So is she not rude for not telling him not to call me so late?

That's it. I've had enough. I am no longer her phone, ride, or doormat. She can find someone else to wipe her feet on.

It's so good to get that off my chest. I hope it made sense.

scullerymaid at 11:06 a.m.

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