November 01, 2006


I think I'm starting to stress out about this whole collge application thing. not really stressing- I don't know what to call it. I hate the whole idea of applying online. I'd rather do ti the old fashioned way. For example, i applied to Lynchburg College online, and there was no place to put the essay. It doesn't even mention the essay. But I know the essay is recommended because i have a hard copy of the application. Geez!

And there are so many expenses this year now that I'm a senior. I'm sure by the time i graduate i will have spent $1000 on school related stuff alone.

I really wish I had a home computer. I have no motivation to write at the library.

Friday and Saturday is VTA competition.


I also have to find a senior quote for the yearbook.

scullerymaid at 6:27 p.m.

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