April 05, 2006

Disappointed Terror

I can't believe it. Of all the times to be vindictive and coniving! Mom isn't letting Dad go to the airport with us. Here I am terrified, and I really want my family to be there and neither Squirt or Dad will be. Why doesn't she understand me at all? And last night she got mad because she thinks I hate her as usual, which made me mad. I don't want to be mad right now. I mean, I'm leaving tomorrow. In some fantasy world in my head, I imagined us actually being a family for once. Just once. Obviously that's not going to happen.

Gosh, I can't believe she's doing this. And I do put the blame on her for this one. It's my trip. Shouldn't I make the decisions! Maybe I should've just car pooled with someone. I want to hate her right now, but I'm too scared to.

"I might as well elope when I meet that special someone. Otherwise I'll have to have everything separate and far apart to avoid argument, whether drunken or not."

scullerymaid at 5:17 p.m.

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