August 20, 2013

Done deal

I just broke my lease and am freaking the fuck out over it. First of all, it's a lot of damn money to break a lease. I know in the long run, I'll be saving even more money, but it's hard to part with that much money at a time. Second, I can't believe I'm moving in with a complete stranger. Just some guy that had girl problems so was looking for a roommate. What if he's crazy? What if I'm crazy? What have I gotten myself into? Finally, I haven't even decided if I'm sold on the house yet. I think I like it. The kitchen is decent and there's a yard with a grill that will be nice. There's also a weght room when the fancy strikes me. The location is good. My bedroom is a little small compared to what I'm used to, and I have to sell all my furniture, but in all honesty I really only go home when I'm in need of sleep and even then I manage to have sleepovers.

So really, why am I freaking out. This is a good thing, a good move, and both Pacha and I should be the happier for it. But there are so many knots in my stomach right now I feel like I'm going to be sick.

scullerymaid at 2:22 p.m.

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